Vape Nation Squad

Friendliest Vape Community

Nicotine E Liquid

Different Vapers, same philosophy

Nicotine E Liquid is the latest trend to hit the e-cigarette market, it works for all smokers alike. If you are looking to try your first vaping experience, make sure you check out the Purple Pickle Café and get comfortable with us. We welcome all smokers and offer you a variety of different flavours to smoke from. You can choose from many options that include “vape clean” which is purely just water vapour smoked for fun by our first-time experiencers while “vape nicotine” is smoked by various types of smokers.

Our Story

What Flies Your Interest?

Get comfortable with us at the Purple Pickle Café! We’re here to cater to all of your needs, whether you’re down to have fun in our Purple Pickle Party Trick competition to see who can puff the best shapes and clouds. If you’re a newbie to vaping, you can also speak to our staff, or even fellow vapers about learning how to puff new tricks. We actually find that vape juice with nicotine is actually the easiest way to form shapes because of the thick texture.

The First Café of its Kind!

The Purple Pickle Café is the first of its kind to hit Sydney, and we’re kicking off right in the heart of North Sydney. Sydney’s trendy suburb – we’re hoping to attract all Sydneysiders with our new and unique experience. An original chain from the U.S, Purple Pickle has catered to many celebrities back in L.A. We are a game changer for all social settings.

Always Seek Advice from Health Experts!

We always recommend to all out patrons that before trying out e juice nicotine they seek out professional advice from a health expert who knows about any existing conditions or issues. The Purple Pickle Café is all about enjoying yourself, and having fun, we do not endorse any reckless behaviour or encourage anything you may not be comfortable with. We are also available to speak to you about quitting smoking.


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