Why Wait To Feel Good Again? Make Changes NLP & Hypnotherapy Can Help


• Lose Weight  • Quit Smoking  • Reduce Anxiety  • PTSD  • Hypnosis Audios


At Make Changes NLP & Hypnotherapy, we specialize in transforming lives. Whether you're in Brimbank, Melbourne, or anywhere in the world, we're here to help you quit smoking, manage anxiety, stress, PTSD, lose weight, and improve your overall wellbeing.

At Make Changes, we don't believe in quick fixes. Instead, we work with you to make sustainable mindset changes that lead to lasting results. Our customized sessions are tailored to meet your unique needs, ensuring that you receive the best possible support on your journey toward positive change.

Our success rates are exceptional, and we're confident that we can help you achieve your goals. So, if you're ready to make changes and transform your life, we're here to support you every step of the way

Wendy Gadsby - Hypnotherapy & NLP Expert
What Make Changes NLP & Hypnotherapy Does



You know being overweight isn't good for you. You know the biggest cost and we're not talking about cash. The emotional and physical costs are high. Of course with medicines, medical appointments and procedures, the financial costs are very real too. With our proven strategies we can help you achieve your weight loss goals, and feel great.


If you want to use Hypnosis to quit smoking in Melbourne, you could be free of the habit in just the one session of 60 minutes. Make Changes NLP & Hypnotherapy gives you whatever additional time you need. In the unlikely event that you need an additional session at any time in the future, we do this ‘FREE OF CHARGE’. This is our lifetime guarantee of support.


Is your life being taken over as a result of the symptoms or ongoing impact of a stressful period, event or past trauma?

Are your efforts to change your ways including patterns or bad habits, get weight under control, or just get on and live an ‘ordinary life’ being hindered by constant self sabotage?


It’s holding you back and limiting your career, or you've simply not applied for jobs you were qualified for as you may have had to speak to certain groups as part of the position.

You’re done with holding yourself back with what you know is an irrational fear. You know you’re more than capable and it’s time to let yourself shine


It doesn’t always feel so fun now though. You find yourself lying about where you’ve been, or just not talking about it, especially the losses. You find reasons to justify the time or money you’ve spent gambling (to yourself or others) because you know it’s getting out of hand.

Learn why gambling is hard for you to control, and how to conquer it


You need to know you are not irreparable and you don’t need to be fixed. You just need more balance in your ways of thinking and feeling, and that’s where we can help.

It’s normal to start to feel better within just a couple of weeks or less with many of our clients feeling better after our first meeting

Got Any Questions?

Do you have questions about our services? Get in touch with us today


Choose from a full library of over 1200 Self Hypnosis Audio Sessions, written by experts in the field on a wide range of topics and problems. Browse the library below by category, or search using a word to make it easier to find what you want.

Just hit the submit button and then select from the range of available audio’s.

Get started within minutes from a wide selection of hypnosis audio downloads

Literally thousands of high quality programs designed to suit a wide range of goals


Gina after The Richards Trauma Process
Joslyn Gardiner

Wendy is a natural at making you feel comfortable & ready to explore options, whether hypnosis, tapping or any other positive means to bring about clarity in what you do, and importantly, DON'T want in your life. I knew a bit about hypnosis going in, but had never experienced it before till now… and several things that have been big challenges for me in the past (confusion or frustration turning to inappropriate deep painful anger-which I consciously hated about my behaviour & emotional-response led binge eating rubbish being just two) have somehow seemed to melt away into the background without me consciously doing anything! Therein lies the rub, the subconscious rules so many responses which may have been appropriate and useful at one time, but which no longer serve you well or even cause great harm. A 45 minute hypnosis session felt like 10 minutes- I was quite amazed, so it obviously works as intended. Wendy has enabled me to move forward with some new skills in my kit bag, which I'm looking forward to applying across many aspects of life. I recommend her unreservedly for those who've tried ‘everything else' & are keen (or even desperate!) for real, positive change. Thanks Wendy!

Debbie after she Quit Smoking with hypnosis
Lisa Benevento

I initially contacted Wendy to help me lose weight as I have been overweight since my childhood. I have tried every diet and weightloss plan known to man including surgery but I would only lose a little weight and put it straight back on plus more . I have spent thousands of dollars over my lifetime trying to solve this problem but until this year have never been successful ….but then I met Wendy .I have learned so much in our sessions about myself , my triggers for eating, my relationship with food and emotions and how being overweight is more about mindset than what you are eating . I have gained self esteem, my voice to say how I feel and say “NO” to people . I have learned to love myself the way I am and to let go of past issues that I never even realised were haunting me and holding me back . My weight made me feel safe and secure and though our sessions I learned that the present is what counts as we certainly cannot change the past – we can only learn from it . I always felt so relaxed after one of our sessions and I can only offer my deepest gratitude and heartfelt thanks to Wendy for helping me to finally achieve what I thought was impossible . In the last 3 and a half months I have lost 23 kilos and feel amazing . I can sleep better and run around after my 3 year old granddaughter at the park like a 30 year old (I am 53) . Wendy is the most open, understanding, passionate and dedicated person that I have been blessed to meet and if anyone needs help losing weight or finding themselves or give up smoking or anything that's holding you back from living the life you truly deserve then you won't look back – thanks again Wendy for everything that you have done for me and helped me achieve so far.

Vinayakk on Quit Smoking at JTN Expo 18 07 17
7 months after he Quit Smoking, Anton is planning a holiday!
Dean after his Weight Loss Hypnosis and NLP session
Yesin Arfat



Wendy helped me decide on the best path to reaching my ideal weight. She not only discussed all the elements of healthier eating and a more active lifestyle with me, and tailored these elements for me, but the NLP and hypnotism also helped. I've currently lost 7 kilos in less than two months and am confident I will be able to reach my goal.

Andrew Law

Good experience from the very first meeting Wendy was welcoming explained every step as she went.The ongoing support has encouraged me to continue to be a non smoker day 101 today Thank you Wendy highly recommended

Nejla is now looking forward to her daughters wedding photo's being taken.

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