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There's No Place Like Work

Our integrated design and delivery services create world class workplaces


Great Workspaces from Australia’s leading Commercial Office Fitouts Company

Contour Interiors are a national office interior design and project management company, delivering leading edge workspaces. Our team of experts has combined extensive knowledge and experience to become one of the premier integrated interior design and fit out firms in Australia.

Featured Projects

Let's start at the very beginning...

At the heart of every great workplace is vision. And that vision can only come to life when your firm’s culture and what makes it unique is front and centre.

Rather than look at where you are right now, Contour Commercial Interiors uses our highly refined integrated design process to look into the future at where you are going, and how your people can be supported to do their best work. Starting with our proprietary Workplace Strategy Process, we find out what makes your company tick, survey your team, and create a design blueprint that will bring your company into the future, today.

Our Clients

Thought Leadership

Office Design

Gamifying the Workplace: The Power of Leaderboards

In the landscape of corporate performance enhancement, a novel concept has gained traction: gamification. Integrating game elements such as points, badges, and leaderboards into work environments is being touted as a groundbreaking strategy to boost employee engagement and productivity.

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Interior Design

Designing for All: Universal Design and the Future of Office Spaces

In the heart of a bustling city, a newly designed office building stands as a testament to the evolving understanding of workplace inclusivity. It’s not just compliant with the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA); it embodies a principle far more profound and ambitious: universal design. This approach isn’t merely about meeting legal requirements—it’s about revolutionising how we think about the spaces where we work.

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Client Appreciation

Ready to take the first step?

Our professional and responsive team deliver office fitouts with commercial interior design that satisfy your corporate goals, vision and identity. From beginning to end, we provide all-inclusive commercial office fitouts that delivers you a workspace that best expresses your corporate identity as well as providing a great space for your employees. After all, it’s our vision for every Australian work environment to be a space that enables businesses and people to be inspired, productive and successful.

About Contour Interiors

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